Yakima 509-248-8040 • Tri-Cities 509-943-8561 • Kittitas 509-925-7700
Yakima Orthotics & Prosthetics


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z



AE (Above Elbow): Trans-humeral.  Relating to prostheses or levels of amputation across the long axis of the humerus.

AFO (Ankle Foot Orthosis): Orthosis (brace) that traverses the ankle and foot.

AK (Above Knee): Trans-femoral.  Relating to prostheses or levels of amputation across the long axis of the femur.

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BE (Below Elbow): Trans-radial.  Relating to prostheses or levels of amputation across the long axis of the radius/ulna.

Bilateral: Of, or pertaining to, both sides of the body.

BK (Below Knee): Trans-tibial.  Relating to prostheses or levels of amputation across the long axis of the tibia/fibia.

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CO (Cervical Orthosis): Orthosis (brace) that traverses the cervical vertebrae.

Cranial Remolding Orthosis: An orthosis custom molded to an infant’s head to encourage the skull to become more symmetrical and/or proportional.  They do not squeeze, but rather provide space into which the flatten portion of the skull can grow. (Must be FDA approved)

CTLSO (Cervical-thoracic-lumbar-sacral orthosis): Orthosis (brace) that traverses the listed areas.

CTO (Cervical-thoracic orthosis): Orthosis that traverses the areas listed.

Custom Fabricated: Made for a specific patient from his/her individual measurements and /or pattern.

Custom Fitted: Prefabricated items, which require individual adjustment, alteration, or assembly for safe and optimal application.

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Definitive: Prostheses intended for long-term use containing components suitable for the full range of functional activities the amputee may be able to perform.

Direct formed: When material is molded over the involved portion of the patient’s body and ultimately used as an essential part of the device.

Dynamic Response: A prosthetic foot with a spring keel, which deflects under load and returns to neutral.

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Early Fitting: A prosthetic device provided during the initial would healing phase following amputation.

Elastic Keel Foot: see flexible keel foot.

Elastic Type Material: being of, or with properties similar to, elastic.

Endoskeletal: A prosthesis composed of an internal pylon system which provides structural integrity to the device.

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Flexible: Referring to devices, which are bendable in nature and occasionally, reinforced with stays of metal or other semi-rigid materials.

Flexible Keel Foot: A prosthetic foot with a compliant, elastomeric keel, which absorbs forces during rollover.

FO (Finger Orthosis or Foot Orthosis): Orthosis (brace) that traverses the finger or the foot.  While this abbreviation represents two types of orthoses, these types are so different that the context will clearly indicate which is meant.

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Heavy Duty: Being of stronger nature than standard.

HD (Hip Disarticulation): An amputation through the hip joint or to describe a prosthesis for this level of amputation.

Hemi-Pelvectomy (Trans-pelvic): Relating to an amputation which is performed through a portion of the pelvis or a prosthesis for this type of amputation.

HKAFO (Hip-Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis): Orthosis (brace) that traverses the listed areas.

Knee Disarticulation: Relating to an amputation which is performed through the knee joint or a prosthesis for this type of amputation.

HFO (Hand-Finger Orthosis): Orthosis (brace) that traverses listed areas.

HO (Hand Orthosis): Orthosis (brace) that encompasses the whole or any part of the hand.

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Immediate Fitting: Beginning prosthetic management immediately following surgical closure of the wound.

Initial: Direct formed prosthetic devices provided as early management.

Interface Material: Flexible lining material integral to the device.

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KAFO (Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis): Orthosis (brace) that traverses the listed areas.

KO (Knee Orthosis): Orthosis (brace) that traverses the knee.

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LSO (Lumbar-Sacral Orthosis): Orthosis (brace) that traverses the listed areas.

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Molded to Patient: See Direct Formed.

Molded to Patient Model: Custom manufactured item individually fabricated over a positive model of the patient, based on a three-dimensional negative impression or digital scanning.

Multiaxial: Having two or more axes of rotation.

Multi-density: Composed of two or more materials of varying shore hardness.

Multidurometer: Composed of two or more materials, with sectional areas of differing shore hardness.

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Non-Removable, Attached to Shoe: When the device is permanently affixed and therefore a part of the shoe.

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Orthosis: Externally applied device used to modify the structural and functional characteristics of the neuromuscular and skeletal systems.

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Passive:  A device that cannot be actively moved.

Polycentric: Having many centers of ratation in a single plane.

Prefabricated: A device that has been manufactured from standard molds or patterns.

Premolded: See prefabricated.

Preparatory: A prosthetic device applied to prepare the limb for eventual fitting of a definitive prosthesis.

Prosthesis: Externally applied device used to replace wholly, or in part, an absent or deficient body segment.

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RGO (Reciprocating Gate Orthosis): Orthosis (brace) traverses thoracic, hip, knee, ankle and foot.  Most frequently used for aid of ambulation for children or adults with limited function of the lower extremities.

Rigid: Not bending; inflexible.

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Semi-Rigid: Partially rigid; having some rigid elements.

SEWHO (Shoulder-Elbow-Wrist-Hand Orthosis): Orthosis (brace) that traverses the areas listed.

Single Axis: Having only one axis of rotation.

SO (Shoulder Orthosis): Orthosis (brace) traverses the shoulder.

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Thermoplastic: Able to be remolded with the application of heat.

THKAO (Thoracic-Hip-Knee-Ankle Orthosis): Orthosis that traverses the listed areas. (Nonstandard acronym of a TSLHKAFO)

TLSO (Thoracic-Lumbar-Sacral Orthosis): An orthosis (brace) that traverses the listed areas.

TO (Thoracic Orthosis): An orthosis (brace) that traverses the thoracic vertebrae.

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Ultra-Light Material: Materials Such as titanium, carbon fiber, or equal.

Unilateral: Being of, or pertaining to, one side of the body.

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WO (Wrist Orthosis): An orthosis (brace) that traverses the wrist.  (Non-standard acronym for WHO)

WHO (Wrist-Hand Orthosis): An orthosis (brace) that traverses the listed areas.

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merican Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthotics, Inc.

Our patient care facilities are all accredited by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthotics, Inc. (ABC). This means we have chosen to have our patient care centers measured against the most rigorous standards in the profession. We have the staff, equipment and expertise that ABC believes are important for the delivery of high quality patient care.

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